For the past 7 years, Whanake Youth have held the SCHOOL BASED HEALTH CARE contract from Te Whatu Ora for eligible high schools in our region. This means that any High school, Alternative Education or Teen Parent Unit in Te Tau Ihu that is decile 5 and below (old system) are entitled to funding for a school nurse. However, if a High school or Tertiary setting or Intermediate school is wanting the benefit of a school nurse, Whanake Youth is able to be contracted to deliver the service.
WHANAKE YOUTH currently provide Registered Nurses and/or Registered Social Workers in the following education places:
1. Motueka High School
2. Te Mana Kowhiri (Alternative Education)
3. On Track (Alternative Education)
4. Nayland College
5. Broadgreen Intermediate
6. Youth Nelson (Alternative Education)
7. Nelson Young Parent School
8. Rai Valley Area School
9. HQ-Youth Space
We also support clinical best practice in:
1. Murchison Area School
2. Tapawera Area School