Thank you so much for the donations received so far! The money has enabled us to do the following:
1. Take young people on camp to St Arnaud and have an awesome time away in nature!
2. Support young people in SYP cafe with communication skills, confidence building and learning how to make coffee
3. Help young people and their whanau access food and health costs
4. Paid for young people to access animal therapy at Fossil Creek
5. Provided a safe space for young people to come to HQ and enjoy
6. Provided 1:1 support for young people to chat and be heard
If you would like to be part of the solution there are ways that you can donate:
1. Your time - 2 hours per week supporting the team at HQ. Email
2. Donations of ingredients for baking - flour, sugar, butter and eggs
3. Petrol vouchers
4. Money - Our bank account is: Whanake Youth ANZ 06-0958-0239677-00